Wednesday 22 March 2017

Study Notes on Jainism

Study Notes on Jainism

  • Vardhamana Mahavira was believed to have born in 540 BC in KundalaGrama in Vaishali the capital of Vajji. Now it is in Mussafar district in Bihar.
  • He belonged to Jnatrika Kshatriya clan.
  • Mahavira’s family was connected with the royal family of Magadha.
  • The word ‘Jaina’ was originated from the word ‘Jina’ which means conqueror.

  • Jainism speaks about 24 thinthankaras. Mahavira was the 24th Thirthankara, who is considered as the founder of Jainism.
  • Rishabha was the first Thirthankara. Neminath and Parswanatha were the 22nd and 23rd Thirthankaras respectively.
  • Bhagavatapurana, Vishnupurana, Vayupurana,etc mentions about Rishabhadeva.
  • Sidhartha, ruler of Nandadynasty which ruled Kundalapuri, was the father of VardhmanaMahavira.
  • Mahavira’s mother was Trissala and Yasodha was his wife.
  • Jameli was the daughter of Mahavira.
  • Mahavira is also known as ‘Vaishalia’ as he was born in Vaishali.
  • He got Kaivalya at the age of 42 under a Sal tree on the bank of river Rajpalika near Village Jimbhrikagrama.
  • At first Mahavira followed the practice of an ascetic group called Nirgrandhas , which earlier led by Parswanath.

  • MakhaliGosala was a companion of Mahavira, Who later founded the Ajivika sect.
  • Mahavira attained Nirvana at the age of 72 at Pavapuri near Rajagriha in 468 BC.
  • Jains observe the day of his nirvana as Dipavali.
  • Gautama Indrabhuti is considered as his first desciple.
  • Jain sacred texts are called Angas.
  • Jain texts were written under Bhadrabahu in BC 296.
  • Jain tests were written in the Prakrit language of Ardhamagadhi.
  • Jain Temple at Sravanabelgola in Hassan district in Mysore is known as ‘Kasi of the Jains’.
  • Names of Rishabhadeva and Arishtanemi are also mentioned in the Rigveda.
  • Chandragupta Maurya the founder of the Mauryan Empire, abdicated the throne towards the end of his life, accepted Jainism reached Sravanabelgola and died there.
  • ‘Ahimsa Paramo Dharma’ is the sacred hymn of Jainism.
  • Ahimsa, Satya, Asateya, Aparigriha and Brahmacharya are the five major principles of Jainism.
  • Brahmacharya is the principle added by Mahavira.
  • Mahavira taught the three Jewels of Jainism(Triratna) - Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct.
  • The Jains repudiated the authority or infallibility of the vedas. The Jains rejected the concept of Universal soul or a supreme power as the creator and sustainer of the Universe.
  • Jainism does not condemn the Varna system.Mahavira believed that all individuals irrespective of caste can strive for liberation through good deeds and living.
  • First Jain council was held at Pataliputra in the fourth century BC under the leadership of Stulabahu.
  • Second Jain council was held at Vallabhipur in third Century BC under the leadership of AryaskandilNagarjuna Suri.
  • Third Jain council was held at Vallabhipur in Gujarat in 5th Century AD under the leadership of DevardhiKshamasramana.
  • Jainism was divided into two sects Swetambaras and Digambaras after the first Jain Council.
  • Digambaras are sky-clad or naked and swetambaras are clad in white.
  • Gomateshwara statue is situated in Sravanabelgola.
  • ‘Syad Vada’ is a Jain philosophy of Knowledge.
  • Kharavela of Kalinga gave patronage to Jainism.
  • Mahavir Jayanti and Rakshabandan are the festive occassions of Jainism.
  • Temple on the Mount Abu in Rajasthan is a famous centre of Jain worship. 
  • Jain Temple at Sravanabelgola in Hassan district in Mysore is known as ‘Kasi of the Jains’.
  • Names of Rishabhadeva and Arishtanemi are also mentioned in the Rigveda.
  • Chandragupta Maurya the founder of the Mauryan Empire, abdicated the throne towards the end of his life, accepted Jainism reached Sravanabelgola and died there

List of Jain Thirthankaras

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