Wednesday 22 March 2017



Aurangzeb (Alamgir) (AD 1658-1707)

  • BIRTH:1618, Dohad( GJ), Son of Mumtaz and Shahjahan
  • Aurangzeb became victorious after the brutal war of succession among his brother Dara, Shuja and Murad.
  • Rebellions during his rule – Jat Peasantry at Mathura, Satnami peasantry in Punjab and Bundelas in Bundelkhand.
  • The annexation of Marwar in AD 1658 led to a serious rift between Rajput and Mughals after the death of Raja Jaswant Singh.
  • Ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur was executed by him in AD 1675.
  • Mughal conquests reached territorial climax during his reign.
  • It stretched from Kashmir in North to Jinji in South, from the Hindukush in West to Chittagong in East.
  • He was called Darvesh or a Zinda Pir. He forbade Sati. Conquered Bijapur (AD 1686) and Golconda (AD 1687) and reimposed Jaziya in AD 1679.
  • He built Biwi ka Makbara on the tomb of his queen Rabaud-Durrani at Aurangabad; Moti Masjid within Red Fort, Delhi; and the Jami or Badshahi Mosque at Lahore.
  • DEATH:1707, Ahamadnagar

Bahadur Shah I (1707-12) 

  • Original name was Muazzam
  • Title, Shah-e-Bekhabar.
  • Promote friendly relationship with Marathas and Rajputs

Jahandar Shah (1712-13) 

  • He ascended the throne with the help of Zulfikar Khan (Wazir).
  •  Abolished Jijiya.
  • A Prostitute "LAL KUAR" dominated in his court

Farrukhsiyar (1713-19) 

  • He lacked the ability and knowledge to rule independently.
  • His reign saw the emergence of the Sayyid Brothers (known as king maker).
  • Abdulla Khan-Wazir
  • Hussain Ali-Senapati
  • 1717-Issued Golden Farman to east India company for free trade
  • Farrukhsiyar executed Banda Bahadur ( A Sikh leader) 

Muhammad Shah (1719-48) 

  • Became the emperor with the help of the Saiyad Brothers
  • Nadir Shah invaded India and took away Peacock throne and Kohinoor diamond.
  • Title- Rangeela
  • Emergence of independent state in his period

Ahmed Shah (1748-54) 

  • Ahmed Shah Abdali (General of Nadir Shah) marched towards Delhi and the Mughals ceded Punjab and Multan.
  • He worked under the guidance of Rajmata  "Udam Bai"

Alamgir (1754-59) 

  • Ahmed Shah occupied Delhi Later, Delhi was plundered by Marathas.

Shah Alam II (1759-1806) 

  • Original NAME: Aligohar
  • Panipat War: (1761)
  • Buxar War (1764)
  • Treaty of Allahabad (1765)
  • Could not enter Delhi for 12 years.
  • 1788: Gulam Kadir make him blind

Akbar II (1806-37)

  • Pensioner of East India Company.
  • Gave the title "Raja" to Ram Mohan Roy

Bahadur Shah II (1837-57) 

  • Nickname: Jafar
  • Last Mughal Emperor who was made premier during the 1857 Revolt.
  • 1862-death in Rangoon (Myanmar)

Causes behind the fall of Mughal Empire

  • Weak and incompetent successors
  • Wars of succession
  • Aurangzeb’s Deccan, religious and Rajput policies
  • Jagirdari crisis
  • Growth of Marathas and other regional powers
  • Foreign invasions of Nadir Shah (1739) and Abdali

Important Literature of Mughal Period

  • Author(Work)
  • Babur (Tuzuk-i-Babari)
  • Abul Fazal (Ain-i-Akbari, Akbarnamah)
  • Jahangir (Tuzuk-i-Jahangir)
  • Hamid (Padshahnama)
  • Darashikoh (Majn-ul-Bahrain)
  • Mirza Md Qasim (Alamgirnama)

Babur (AD 1526-1530)
BIRTH:1483 Fargana(Afganistan) Father-Umer sheikh Mirja, Mother-Kutlug nigar( Mangol)
Founder of Mughal empire, who introduced gunpowder in India 
defeated Ibrahim Lodhi in the First Battle of Panipat (AD 1526)
Rana Sanga (Sangram Singh) at Battle of Khanwa (AD 1527) 
Medini Rai of Chanderi at Battle of Chanderi (AD 
 Mahmud Lodi at Battle of Ghagra (AD 1529) (Last war of the Babur)
He wrote Tuzuk-i-Baburi (Autobiography of Babur) in the Turkish language.
Babur declared Jehad and adopted the title, Ghazi(After the Khanva War)
According to  Tuzuk-i-Baburi, Babur Died in 1530 in Lahore and buried at Aram Bagh (Agra). Later his body was taken to Afghanistan (Kabul).

Humayun (AD 1530-1556)
Built Dinpanah at Delhi as his second capital.
Sher Shah Suri gradually gained power. He fought two battles with Humayun – Battle of Chausa (AD 1539) and another Battle of Kannauj (AD 1540) culminating in Humayun’s defeat
Humayun passed 15 years in exile; again invaded India in 1555 with the help of his officer Bairam Khan.
Died in AD 1556 due to a fall from his library building’s stairs
 Gulbadan Begum, Humayun’s half-sister wrote Humayun-nama.
 After battle of Chausa Sher khan adapted a title, SHER SHAH SURI
Biography of Humayun-HUMAYUNAMA 

Akbar (AD 1556-1605)
Mother-Hamida Bano Began
Coronated at the young age of 14 by Bairam Khan
Defeated Hemu at the Second Battle of Panipat (AD 1556) with the help of Bairam Khan Conquered Malwa (AD 1561) defeating Baz Bahadur followed by Garh-Katanga (ruled by Rani Durgawati), Chittor (AD 1568), Ranthambhor and Kalinjar (AD 1569), Gujarat (AD 1572), Mewar (Battle of Haldighati, AD 1576 Akbar and Rana Pratap), Kashmir (AD 1586), Sindh (AD 1593) and Asirgarh (AD 1603).
 Buland Darwaza was constructed at Fatehpur Sikri after victory over Gujarat in AD 1572.
Married to Harkha Bai, daughter of Rajput ruler Bharmal
Ralph Fitch (in AD 1585) was the first Englishman to visit Akbar’s court.
Abolished Jaziyah (AD 1564)
Believed in Sulh-i-Kul (peace to all), built Ibadat Khana (Hall of prayer) at Fetehpur Sikri; issued ‘Degree of Infallibility (AD 1579); formulated religious order Din-i-Ilahi (AD 1582). Birbal was the first to embrace it.
Land revenue system was called Todar Mal Bandobast or Zabti System measurement of land, classification of land and fixation of rent; and introduced Mansabdari System (holder of rank) to organise nobility and army.
The Navratnas included Todar Mal, Abul Fazal, Faizi, Birbal, Tansen, Abdur Rahim Khana-i-Khana, Mullah-do-Pyaza, Raja Man Singh and Fakir Aziao-Din.

Jahangir (AD 1605-1627)
Executed the fifth Sikh guru, Guru Arjun Dev.
Greatest failure was the loss of Kandahar to Persia in AD 1622.
Married Mehr-un-Nisa in AD 1611 and conferred the title of Nurjahan on her; He established Zanjir-i-Adal at Agra Fort for the seekers of royal justice.
Captain Hawkins and Sir Thomas Roe visited his court.
Famous painters in his court-Abdul HassanUstad Mansur and Bishandas.

Shahjahan (AD 1628-1658)
Annexed Ahmadnagar while Bijapur and Golconda accepted his overlordship.
Secured Kandahar (AD 1639).
Two Frenchmen, Bernier and Tavernier and an Italian adventurer Manucci visited his court.

Built Moti Masjid and Taj Mahal at Agra, Jama Masjid and Red Fort at Delhi. His reign is considered the Golden Age of the Mughal empire.

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