Monday, 20 March 2017

Evolution and Generations of computer

Evolution and Generations of computer

 2.1 Evolution of Computer

When our ancestors started using stone to count their animals or the possession they never knew that this day will lead to a computer of today. People started following a set of procedure to perform calculation with these stones, which later led to creation of a digital counting device, which was the predecessor the first calculating device invented, known as ABACUS.


Abacus is known to be the first mechanical calculating device which was used to be performed addition and subtraction easily and speedily. This device was first developed by the Egyptians in the 10th century B.C, but it was given it final shape in the 12xth century A.D. by the Chinese educationists.
Abacus is made up of wooden frame in which rod where fitted across with rounds beads sliding on the rod. It id dividing into two parts called ‘Heaven’ and ‘Earth’. Heaven was the upper part and Earth was the lower one.


After Abacus, John Napier of Scotland invented a calculating device, in the year 1617 called the Napier Bones. With these rods, one can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division easily.


In the year 1642, Blaise Pascal a French scientist invented an adding machine called Pascal’s calculator, which represents the position of digit with the help of gears in it.
It was called adding Machine because it was only able to do addition and sustraction.


In the year 1671, a German mathematician, Gottfried Leibniz modified the Pascal calculator and he developed a machine which could perform various calculation based on multiplication and division as well.


In the year 1833, a scientist from England knows as Charles Babbage, invented such a machine which could keep our data safely. This device was called Analytical engine and it deemed the first mechanical computer.
It included such feature which is used in today’s computer language. For this great invention of the computer, Sir Charles Babbage is known as the father of the computer.

2.2 Generations of Computer

As the time passed, a more suitable and reliable machine was needed which could perform our work more quickly. During this time, in the year 1946, the first electronic computer called ENIAC was successfully developed and it was the starting point of the current generation of computer.


ENIAC was the world first successfully developed electronic computer which was developed by the two scientists namely J. P. Eckert and J. W. Mauchy. It was the beginning of first generation computer.
The full form of ENIAC is “Electronic Numeric Integrator And Calculator”. ENIAC was a very huge and big computer and its weight was 30 tonnes. It could store only limited or small amount of information.
Initially in the first generation computer, the concept of vacuum tubes was used. A vacuum tube was an electronic component which had very less work efficiency and so it could not work properly and it required a large cooling system.


As the development moved further, the second generation computers knocked the door. In this generation, transistors were used as the electronic component instead of vacuum tubes. A transistors is much smaller in the size than that of a vacuum tube.
As the size of electrons components decreased from vacuum tube to transistor, the size of computer also decreased and it became much smaller than that of earlier computer.


The third generation computers were invented in the year 1964. In this generation of computer, IC (Integrated circuits) was used as the electronic component for computers. The development of IC gave birth to a new field of microelectronics.
The main advantage of IC is not only its small size but its superior performance and reliability than the previous circuits. It was first developed by T.S Kilby. This generation of computer has huge storage capacity and higher calculating speed.


This is the generation where we are working today. The computers which we see around us belong to the fourth generation computers. ‘Micro processor’ is the main concept behind this generation of computer.
A microprocessor is a single chip (L.S.I circuit), which is used in a computer for any arithmetical or logical functions to be performed in any program.
The honour of developing microprocessor goes to Marcian Edward "Ted" Hoff, of U.S.A. He developed first micro-processor, the Intel 4004, as he was working for Intel Corporation, U.S.A. With the use of microprocessor in the fourth generation computers, the computers become very fast and efficient.
It is evident that the next generation of computer i.e. fifth generation will be developed soon. In that generation, computer will possess artificial intelligence and it would be able to take self-decisions like a human being.


Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today.
The use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a reality.
Quantum computation and molecular and nanotechnology will radically change the face of computers in years to come. The goal of fifth-generation computing is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.

Types of ATM's

White Label ATM
White Label ATMs are those ATMs which set up, owned and operated by non-bank entities, which have been incorporated under Companies Act 1956, and after obtaining RBI’s approval.
Brown Label ATMs
These ATMs are owned and maintained by service provider whereas bank whose brand is used on ATM takes care of cash management and network connectivity.
Online ATM
These ATMs are connected to the bank’s database at all times and provide real time transactions online. The withdrawal limits and account balances are constantly monitored by the bank.
Offline ATM
These ATMs are not connected to bank’s database- hence they have a predefined withdrawal limit fixed and you can withdraw that amount irrespective of the balance in your account.
  • So if you did not have balance in your account, and you went to a ‘offline ATM’ and withdrew money more than the balance – you’ll still get the cash at that time, and later on will run afoul with your bank balance.Banks may charge some penalty for exceeding your balance.
Stand Alone ATM
Stand Alone ATMs are not connected with any ATM network- hence their transactions are restricted to the ATM’s branch and link branches only. The opposite of Stand-alone ATMs are Networked ATMs, which are connected on the ATM Network.
Onsite ATM
Onsite ATMs are the ATMs you find next to your Bank’s branch. They go side-by side
Or in proper terms.They are the ATMs installed within a branch’s premises.
Off-site ATM
Off-site ATMs are the ones which are installed anywhere, but not within the branch premises i.e. these are not installed next to branch. These are installed next to Shopping Malls, shopping markets, airports, hospitals, business areas etc.

Daily English Vocabulary Capsule Day 5

No country for baby girls
On the morning of May 19, 2016, two medical officers came calling at the Bharti Hospital in Mhaisal, a tiny village on the banks of the Krishna river in Sangli district. Perched (स्थित) on the edge of Maharashtra and bordering Karnataka, rumours of sex-selective abortions at the hospital had brought it under the lens of the authorities. Barely a km away, at the government-run Primary Health Centre (PHC), colourful posters on protecting the girl child aimed at changing mindsets. ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ (educate the girl child, protect the girl child), the posters exhorted villagers.
Armed with an anonymous complaint received by the Collector, Dr. Vijay Jadhav and Dr. Ashok Mohite, both government medical officers, examined the two-storey bungalow in a narrow lane that also houses a dozen residential premises. They checked the registers and looked around. There were no signs of pregnant women. However, two patients were found admitted — one for diarrhoea and the other with typhoid. Dr. Babasaheb Khidrapure, a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS), the owner of the hospital, was given a clean chit. “Nothing suspicious found,” their report stated.
Ten months later, on March 3, 2017, two State medical officers, Dr. J.K. Momin and Dr. Suresh Kamble, raided the hospital again. Twenty-six-year-old Swati Jamdade had died on March 1, following a botched-up abortion on the hospital’s premises. This time, the doctors arrived with a police teamin tow (accompanying or following someone.). To their horror, they discovered a full-fledged operation theatre in the basement being run by the homeopath, who was not eligible to conduct surgical procedures. The white-tiled basement also had two clean rooms, with beds. Dr. Khidrapure was nowhere to be seen. He had fled before the raid. A computer table in the corner was stacked with registers. While many things appeared displaced and missing to the raiding officers, they seized everything they could lay their hands on, and questioned locals.
A routine line of questioning led the investigating team to Ravi Sutar, the local milkman who was also tasked with disposing biomedical waste from the hospital. Sutar pointed to an area barely 150 m away. On March 5, the police unearthed what Dr. Khidrapure had been burying — 19 foetuses were exhumed (खोद कर निकालना), bundled in blue plastic bags and buried in a mud pit. Some in advanced stages of decomposition, others freshly buried, these were the aborted foetuses over the past two months, concluded the police. The foetuses have been sent for DNA testing.
If Dr. Khidrapure had carried out 19 illegal abortions in two months, how many unborn babies had the doctor killed in his practice over the last eight years, the police now wonder.
A botched-up abortion
Swati, from Manerajuri village, 40 km away from Mhaisal, was a mother of two — four-year-old Swaranjali and one-and-a-half-year-old Pranjali — and was pregnant with her third child. Her husband Pravin, a farmer, wanted a boy and was desperate to know the sex of the unborn child. “ Chachni karun ghe (Get the test done),” a friend suggested to Pravin and referred him to Dr. Khidrapure’s hospital. On February 28, Pravin landed at the Bharti Hospital with his wife, then in her fifth month of pregnancy. After a brief meeting with Dr. Khidrapure, the couple was referred to Dr. Srihari Ghodke’s clinic in the bordering Kagwad village in Karnataka, six km away from Mhaisal, where a sonography was conducted. With the Maharashtra government keeping an eagle eye on hospitals, sex determination was a strict no-no. But in bordering Karnataka, rules were lax (बेपरवाह/ढीले). There was no paperwork involved. Dr. Khidrapure informed Pravin that it was a girl and he promptly offered to abort the foetus.
Despite his wife’s pleadings (the action of making an emotional or earnest appeal to someone.), Pravin admitted her to the Bharti Hospital on March 1. He called his father-in-law Sunil Jhadhav, who lives in Puducherry, to inform that he was going ahead with the abortion. “I dissuaded (करने के लिए समझाना) him from going ahead with the procedure and asked him to consult a doctor,” Jhadhav told The Hindu. But by then, Dr. Khidrapure had already induced labour by placing abortion pills Misoprostol in the patient.
In a span of four hours, Misoprostol induces cramps and bleeding through which a woman aborts. Doctors also carry out a vacuum aspiration to remove the contents of the uterus. But before Dr. Khidrapure could carry out the procedure, Swati became breathless and her condition deteriorated. Ill-equipped to handle an emergency, Dr. Khidrapure asked Pravin to rush his wife to the Bharati Vidyapeeth Hospital in Miraj, 20 km away from Mhaisal. Swati succumbed (die from the effect of a disease or injury.) on her way to the hospital. Her family subsequently forced Pravin to take the body to the Sangli Civil Hospital. As the patient was brought dead, the doctors informed the Miraj police as per protocol. The police, in turn, quizzed Pravin, who blurted out that his wife had died during an abortion.
But when the police stumbled (find or encounter by chance.) on the foetuses, what emerged was a multi-State racket that Dr. Khidrapure was running. To date, the police have arrested 12 people including Dr. Khidrapure, two doctors from Karnataka who conducted the sex determination tests, and four agents — Saatgonda Patil and Veerangonda Gumte from Belgaum and Yasin Tehsildar and Sandip Jadhav from Kolhapur — who preyed on couples desperate for a male child and eager to abort the female foetuses.
While authorities were sleeping…
Dr. Khidrapure grew up in Kanwad village that falls under Kolhapur district. After completing his studies in homeopathy in Belgaum, he opened a small dispensary in Mhaisal where he prescribed medicines for minor ailments like fever, pain and dog bites. It was sometime in 2008 that he bought a piece of land on which he built the Bharti Hospital and began offering hysterectomy (a surgical operation to remove all or part of the uterus.)and appendectomy (surgical removal of the appendix.) surgeries by inviting doctors from Sangli, most of whom were retired practitioners from the Sangli Civil Hospital, to operate on patients. The police are questioning the doctors who worked here.
“The district health officials were well aware about all the illegalities from the very beginning. But they simply turned a blind eye,” alleges Ashok Wadar, an activist from Mhaisal who had written the anonymous letter to the Collector in 2016 following which the medical officers were sent for an inspection. He also claims to have made 30 calls on the government’s toll-free number meant for whistle-blowers who want to highlight Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act violations. “But no one paid heed to my complaints,” he says, adding that Dr. Khidrapure had “top connections” due to which no one dared to take him on.
Incidentally, the PHC that stands within a km from Dr. Khidrapure’s hospital is administered by a District Health Officer (DHO) who also has the responsibility of keeping tabs on private nursing homes in the area. “I never received any complaints about the hospital,” says Dr. Ram Hankare, DHO since the past three years. “The doctor was probably conducting illegal abortions during night and it is the civil surgeon’s job to keep a watch,” Dr. Hankare told The Hindu. When questioned, the civil surgeon, Dr. Sanjay Salunkhe, tossed it right back at the DHO: “It is the DHO’s responsibility to keep a watch on the medical establishments in his area.”
Of the 25 private nursing homes in Mhaisal, only one has the licence to run an In-Patient Department (IPD) and can admit patients. Bharti Hospital does not feature on this list but Dr. Khidrapure still admitted patients.
During the March 3 raid on Bharti Hospital, the police found, besides the basement operation theatre and two rooms, surgical equipment such as abdominal retractors, curved artery forceps, Sims speculum, dilator, allis tissue forceps and spiral needles; oxygen cylinders; an X-ray machine; huge quantities of abortion pills; and other medications that were charred (जलाना). A large pipe connects the basement to the drainage system outside and the police suspect that some of the aborted foetuses would have been discarded through it. The police have learnt that most of the abortions were carried out using Misoprostol; the hospital was buying the drug in bulk from a Sangli-based distributor, Sunil Khedkar. However, the absence of a sonography machine used to determine the sex of the foetus puzzled the police. The search took the police across the border into Karnataka.
The multi-State racket
During the search at Bharti Hospital, the Miraj Rural police stumbled upon names of some doctors in the registers. A raid conducted in Dr. Srihari Ghodke’s clinic in Kagwad, Karnataka yielded two sonography machines. The clinic functioned mostly at night. “The patients were sent for sonography tests to Kagwad and the abortion would be conducted in Mhaisal,” says Dattatray Shinde, Superintendent of Police, Sangli.
Run from a two-storey bungalow, the clinic stands barely 100 m from the Kagwad police station and another 200 m from the government-run Community Health Centre. Dr. Ghodke, 68, who has been arrested, is said to have been running the clinic for over two decades. “It was a maternity home at first that abruptly shut down. Later on, we could only see some action after 11 p.m. There would be couples going in and out of the bungalow,” says a local, adding that everyone in the area knew that something illegal was happening. But the police chose to turn a blind eye. “Why should we visit any clinics? We only investigate cases that come to us,” says Laxman Ajjanagi, head constable at the Kagwad police station. Kagwad falls under the Belgaum district that has 242 registered PCPNDT centres and over 2,400 medical centres.
Meanwhile, the Miraj police have arrested another doctor, Ramesh Devgikar, 64, from Bijapur in Karnataka who has a Diploma in Medical Radio Diagnosis and is suspected to have sent several patients for abortion to Dr. Khidrapure’s hospital. The police have seized two sonography machines from him as well. The Devgikar X-ray and Sonography Centre is among the dozen-odd small and large hospitals, nursing homes and radiology centres strewn across a 300-metre radius in the busy, narrow lane in Meenakshi Chowk. A retired doctor from the government-run district hospital in Bijapur, Devgikar set up his private centre 15 years ago. His tryst (an appointed meeting or meeting place) with the law dates back to 2015 when he was first booked under the PCPNDT Act by health officials who also seized his sonography machine. While the machine was later returned, the case is still pending in court. Neighbours say Devgikar had the busiest practice in the area. On average, he conducted more than 50 obstetric (relating to childbirth and the processes associated with it.) sonographies in a day. Police are still investigating into how many of these were for sex determination.
Health workers from Bijapur say that sex-selective abortions are extremely common in the area. “We come across many women who have one or two daughters and tell us that they don’t want another girl. Suddenly during a medical check-up, we learn that these women have had a miscarriage or a stillbirth,” says a health worker, adding that the government has made it mandatory for them to maintain ‘tayee’ or mother cards on which details of pregnant women and their existing children are mentioned. According to her, a health worker keeps track of 20-22 pregnant women annually, of which at least 3-4 undergo abortions.
Sources from Bijapur say most clients coming to Devgikar were from Sangli and Miraj. “The doctors are closely connected with the agents who operate from border districts of Karnataka such as Belagavi. Some of the agents have their own vehicles which they use to carry the pregnant women to Bijapur from Maharashtra for sonographies,” says a source, adding that the gender is disclosed in a very methodical way. All the doctors have their unique code words. “The disclosure is done to the agent always. One of the most popular codes is pointing at the ear when it’s a girl, as girls wear earrings. If they touch the nose, it means a boy.”
A massive crackdown on sonography centres had begun in 2011 in Maharashtra, and health officials and the police suspect this is what prompted Dr. Khidrapure to explore options across the border. According to Deputy Superintendent of Police (Miraj division) Dheeraj Patil, Dr. Khidrapure charged anywhere between Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 25,000 per abortion while the doctors conducting the sex determination tests would charge Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 10,000 per test depending on the profile of the patients and the agents would make Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 5,000 per couple.
Oh, for a boy!
At the core of these abortions is the deep-rooted desire in society to have a boy, an heir (उत्तराधिकारी/वारिस) to the family. “Everyone wants one boy at least. What is there to understand in this?” says Namdeo Suryavanshi, a Mhaisal farmer who has two daughters aged four and two and whose wife Meenakshi is expecting a third baby soon. “It is not that I am not going to look after my daughters. They are also important. But a son will complete our family,” says Suryavanshi, who works in a sugar-cane farm. When asked if he went for any sex determination tests, Suryavanshi promptly says, “I have got all my wife’s tests done at the Miraj Civil Hospital.”
Shafiabi Inamdar, 62, from the neighbouring Kanwad village has seven daughters. “Today if I had a boy, he would have been there to look after me and take care of this house,” she says. “The mothers are helpless. There is tremendous pressure on them to have a boy. The in-laws and the husbands are brutal when it comes to having a girl child back-to-back,” says Rajashri Zare, an Accredited (अधिकृत/प्रमाणित) Social Health Activist (ASHA) from the village. “Everyone just want svanshacha diva (lineage (वंशावली) flame).”
“All I ever wanted was for my son-in-law to keep my daughter happy,” says Swati’s father Sunil Jhadhav. “We had shelled out Rs. 3 lakh in cash, 150 grams of gold and an entire ‘sansar set’ that consists of all household things like television, refrigerator, dining table, sofa set, utensils, bed etc.”
Clearly, that was not enough.
With Firoz Rozindar in Bijapur
The district health officials were well aware about all the illegalities from the very beginning. But they simply turned a blind eye.
Ashok Wadar
An activist from Mhaisal village

All I ever wanted was for my son-in-law to keep my daughter happy.
Sunil Jhadhav
Swati’s father

Everyone wants one boy at least. What is there to understand in this? It is not that I am not going to look after my daughters. But a son will complete our family.
Namdeo Suryavanshi
A farmer in Mhaisal
Courtesy: The Hindu (Concerning)

1. In tow (Phrase): Accompanying or following someone. (साथ साथ)
Synonyms: Accompanying, Following, Escorting, Chaperone.
Antonyms: Separately, Dividedly. 
Example: The nanny walked into the park with three children in tow.

2. Exhume (verb): Dig out (something buried) from the ground. (खोद कर निकालना)
Synonyms: Disinter, Dig Up, Unearth, Bring Out of the Ground
Antonyms: Bury.
Example: Because the girl’s parents believed she died of unnatural causes, they decided to exhume her body for a full autopsy.
Verb forms: Exhume, Exhumed, Exhumed

3. Lax (adjective): Not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful. (बेपरवाह/ढीले)
Synonyms: Careless, Derelict, Remiss, Slack.
Antonyms: Strict, Rigid, Tight, Stringent.
Example: The lax security at the event allowed people to just slip in and out unnoticed.
Related words:
Laxity (adverb) - ढीलापन

4. Dissuade (verb): Persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action. ( करने के लिए समझाना)  
Synonyms: Disincline, Turn Aside, Divert, Sidetrack
Antonyms: Encourage, Persuade.
Example: Since James is a stubborn man, he does not let anyone dissuade him from doing what he wants to do.
Verb forms: Dissuade, Dissuaded, Dissuaded.
Related words:
Dissuasion (noun) - Persuading not to do or believe something; talking someone out of a belief or an intended course of action.

5. Succumb (verb): Die from the effect of a disease or injury. (मर जाना)
Fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force. (अधीन होना)
Synonyms: Die of, Pass sway as a result of, Be a fatality of.
Antonyms: Survive, Withstand.
Example: In his speech, the president stated that our country will not succumb to fear and terror.
Verb forms: Succumb, Succumbed, Succumbed.

6. Stumble (verb): Find or encounter by chance.  (पाना/मिलना)
Synonyms: Come Across, Come Upon, Happen On, Discover, Encounter, Find.
Antonyms: Miss.
Example: While patrolling policemen had stumbled across a gang of youths.
Verb forms: Stumble, Stumbled, Stumbled.

7. Heir (noun): A person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person's death. (उत्तराधिकारी/वारिस)  
Synonyms: Inheritor, Legatee, Scion, Successor.
Antonyms: Giver, One Who Bestows. 
Example: Prince Charles is the heir next in line for the British throne.
Related words:
Heirdom (noun) – विरासत

8. Accredited (adjective): Given official approval to act. (अधिकृत/प्रमाणित)  
Synonyms: Authorized, Certified, Vouched For.
Antonyms: Unofficial, Uncertified.
Example: When the school lost its national accreditation, it saw its enrollment dramatically decline.
Verb forms: Accredit, Accredited, Accredited.
Related words:
Accredit (verb) - To give official authorization to or approval of:
Accreditation (noun) - Formal endorsement of a person, school program, or organization

9. Lineage (noun): Direct descent from an ancestor. (वंशावली)
Synonyms: Clan, Ancestry, Pedigree, Stemma.
Antonyms: Parent.
Example: Our family was ecstatic to learn about our royal lineage and how we descend from kings and queens of antiquity.
10. Char (verb): Partially burn so as to blacken the surface./ (of an object) become blackened as a result of partial burning. (जलाना)
Synonyms: Scorch, Burn, Singe, Sear.
Antonyms: Douse, Extinguish.
Example: The man needed to wear protective clothing and glasses so that the heat from soldering would not char his skin and eyes.
Verb forms: Char, Charred, Charred.

Daily English Capsule Day 22

Hi, Friends, iam back with some of new actions. so please read always my blog. Hunting for Solutions In July 2015, when Cecil, a...