Thursday, 13 April 2017

Daily English Vocabulary Day 18

Stirring up the nuclear pot
A picture of the globe under the hood of a cobra was a familiar symbol of the precarious (अनिश्चित/स्थिर) state of international security till recently. Accidental or deliberate pressing of the nuclear button was the nightmare that haunted humanity. At the same time, using the nuclear genie and harnessing it for prosperity was the best dream. Today, both the nightmare and the dream have become jaded (bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something.). Nuclear weapons have ceased to be viable as instruments of war because of the unpredictability of the consequences of a nuclear war. No one can trust even the use of tactical nuclear weapons without collateral damage for the user. Today, nations can be destroyed with mobile phones and laptops without killing a single human being, making the “humaneness” of cyberwarfare the biggest danger.
The theories of deterrence of nuclear stockpiles have also been discredited after 9/11 brought the most formidable nuclear power to its knees. Non-proliferation today, if any, is not on account of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), but on account of the futility (व्यर्थता/निरर्थकता) of building nuclear arsenals. The threat of terrorism looms larger than the threat of nuclear weapons. After Fukushima, nuclear power too is receding (कम होना/पीछे हटना) as a sensible component of the energy mix. One clean-up operation after an accident can demolish many years of technological advancement and hopes of having cheap power. The sun shines as a source of energy, not the glittering nuclear reactors which seem to emit mushroom clouds.
Still a flourishing industry
Old habits die hard, however, and there is constant activity on the weapons and the power fronts. The nuclear and disarmament industry still flourish. Former U.S. President Barack Obama’s Prague speech had ignited cautious optimism that nuclear weapons would cease to be the anchor of security, though not during his presidency, not even in his lifetime. Rajiv Gandhi’s United Nations Plan of Action for total elimination of nuclear weapons came out of the dusty archives (संग्रह). The ‘Global Zero’ movement gained momentum, even as nuclear weapon powers continued investment in developing delivery systems and weapons.
U.S. President Donald Trump had once said that proliferation was good for American allies, but more recently, he said: “It would be wonderful, a dream would be that no country would have nukes, but if countries are going to have nukes, we’re going to be at the top of the pack.” He even hinted at the use of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances. The hope raised by four old cold warriors, George P. Shultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger and Sam Nunn, by setting the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons and working on the actions required to achieve that goal finally receded, and in desperation, the world turned to the good old UN machinery to create illusions of progress.
Emphasizing non-proliferation
NPT enthusiasts have been disappointed of late that out of the three pillars of the treaty — non-proliferation, disarmament and nuclear energy for peaceful purposes — the first, non-proliferation, has got watered down and disarmament has become the priority. They also worry that dangerous technologies like enrichment are within the reach of the non-weapon states. In the context of Japan and South Korea debating acquisition of nuclear weapons, they feel that non-proliferation should be brought back to be the first priority of the NPT. The promotional function of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is also a concern for them. The IAEA has already shifted its focus from nuclear power to nuclear security, as a result. In 1995, the NPT was made a perpetual (अनवरत/लगातार) treaty with no possibility of amendment, but its votaries (समर्थक/तरफ़दार) now advocate that non-proliferation should be emphasised to the exclusion of disarmament and nuclear energy promotion.
The UN General Assembly, with its unlimited agenda, readily jumped into the first UN conference in more than 20 years on a global nuclear weapons ban, though the nuclear weapon powers did not join. More than 120 nations in October 2016 voted on a UN General Assembly resolution to convene (meet) the conference to negotiate a legally binding treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading to their total elimination. Britain, France, Russia and the U.S. voted no, while China, India and Pakistan abstained. Though India had recommended the convening of such a conference, it abstained on the resolution as it was not convinced that the conference could accomplish much at this time. India said that it supported the commencement of negotiations in the Conference on Disarmament on a comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Convention, which in addition to prohibition and elimination also includes verification. The U.S. and others wanted to accept the reality that such conferences would serve no purpose. The conference has failed even before it commenced.
In the midst of this ferment (कोलाहल/हंगामा), a debate has begun in India about a review of its no-first use doctrine. Experts seem to think that India’s doctrine is flexible enough to deal with any eventuality, but others feel that we should enter more caveats (a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.) to safeguard our interests. Perhaps, it is best to let the sleeping dogs lie.
On nuclear power production
On the nuclear power front, the efforts to increase nuclear power production suffered a setback as a result of Fukushima. Many countries that had lined up before the IAEA for nuclear technology for peaceful purposes quietly switched to other sources of energy. The much-expected nuclearrenaissance (a revival of or renewed interest in something.) withered away. Except for China, India and Russia, most nations have shied away from building nuclear reactors or importing them. India’s liability law deterred U.S. companies from exporting reactors to India. The financial problems of Westinghouse, which had agreed to build six reactors in Andhra Pradesh, postponed, if not cancelled, the venture. But India has not fundamentally changed its three-stage nuclear power development, though the thorium stage eludes (बच निकलना) it.
The need for reduction of greenhouse gases was an incentive to increase nuclear power production, but President Trump’s challenge of the whole concept of climate change as a hoax (चकमा/छलझाँसा) and the consequent reduction of allocation of funds to protect the environment will further reduce the accent on nuclear power. The Kudankulam project is set to move along with Russian collaboration, but its progress has been slow. The nuclear liability law, the Westinghouse bankruptcy and the protests by local people have combined to delay the expansion of nuclear power in India.
Like everything else in international affairs, the nuclear pot is also being stirred on account of the uncertainties of the U.S. government and changing threat perceptions. Nobody thinks any more that peace and amity (बन्धुत्व/मित्रता) will break out between the U.S. and Russia, making nuclear weapons redundant. But no one is certain that the nuclear genie will not take new incarnations (अवतार) as a result of the ferment.
Courtesy: The Hind (Concern)
1. Precarious (adjective): Characterized by a lack of security or stability that threatens with danger/ not securely held or in position.  (अनिश्चित/अस्थिर
Synonyms: Uncertain, Insecure, Unreliable, Unsure, Unpredictable, Risky.
Antonyms: Certain, Secure, Protected, Stable.
Example: Gripping with a lack of shelter, homeless people live in precarious conditions.
Related words:
Precariously (adverb) – अस्थिरता से
Precariousness (noun) – अस्थिरता
Origin: Latin precarius means obtained by entreaty.

2. Jaded (adjective): Bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something.  (मुरझाया या थकाया हुआ)
Synonyms: Satiated, Sated, Surfeited, Glutted, Cloyed, Wearied.
Antonyms: Activated, Fresh, Joyful.
Example: James was jaded with love after having his heart broken countless times.
Verb forms: Jade, Jaded, Jaded.
Related words:
Jade (verb) - Exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress

3. Futility (noun): The quality or state of being incapable of producing any results.  (व्यर्थता/निरर्थकता)
Synonyms: Pointlessness, Uselessness, Fruitlessness, Vanity, Ineffectuality, Inefficacy, Unproductiveness.
Antonyms: Usefulness, Fruitfulness.
Example: The losing team made a valiant but futile effort to catch up to their opponent.
Related words:
Futile (adjective) - व्यर्थ/निरर्थक

4. Recede (verb): Go or move back or further away from a previous position/ slope backwards/ gradually diminish. (कम होना/पीछे हटना)
Synonyms: Ebb, Go Back, Retreat, Shrink, Subside,
Antonyms: Develop, Increase, Grow, Forward, Strengthen.
Example: When the storm quiets, the waters will recede from the beach.
Verb forms: Recede, Receded, Receded.
Origin: from Latin recedere, from re- ‘back’ + cedere ‘go’.

5. Archive (noun): A place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved / a repository or collection especially of information. (संग्रह/ लेखागार)
Synonyms: Record Store, Annals, Chronicle, Dossier.
Example: She archived her personal e-mail messages in a folder on her hard drive.
Verb forms: Archive, Archived, Archived.
Related words:
Archive (verb) - Place or store (something) in an archive.
Origin: from Greek arkheia means ‘public records’.

6. Perpetual (adjective): Never ending or changing/ occurring repeatedly/so frequent as to seem endless and uninterrupted. (अनवरत/लगातार)
Synonyms: Everlasting, Eternal, Permanent, Interminable, Incessant, Ceaseless.
Antonyms: Discontinuous, Intermittent, Interrupted.
Example: Currently it seems that Syria is in a state of perpetual war.
Related words:
Perpetually (adverb) - निरंतर रूप से
Origin: From Latin perpet- ‘continuous’.

7. Votary (noun): A devoted follower, adherent, or advocate of someone or something. (समर्थक/तरफ़दार) 
Synonyms: Adherent, Devotee, Follower, Acolyte,
Antonyms: Critic, Detractor, Enemy, Opponent.
Example: The votaries of the Buddhism spread their religion across the world.
Origin: From Latin vot- ‘vowed’ (from the verb vovere ) + ary.

8. Ferment (noun): Agitation and excitement among a group of people, typically concerning major change and leading to trouble or violence.(कोलाहल/हंगामा)
Synonyms: Furore, Frenzy, Tumult, Brouhaha, Stir, Ruckus, Turmoil, Upheaval.
Antonyms: Calm, Contentedness, Happiness, Peace.
Example: The media tried to ferment public unrest by repeatedly publishing articles about the crooked police officer.
Verb forms: Ferment, Fermented, Fermented.
Related words:
Ferment (verb) - Incite or stir up (trouble or disorder).
Origin:  from Latin fervere  means ‘to boil’.

9. Elude (verb): To avoid adroitly/ escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way. (बच निकलना)
Synonyms: Evade, Avoid, Get Away From, Dodge, Flee, Escape (From).
Antonyms: Face, Confront, Encounter.
Example: The criminal was able to elude the police in the crowded mall.
Verb forms: Elude, Eluded, Eluded.
Origin: from Latin eludere, from e- (variant of ex-) ‘out, away from’ + ludere ‘to play’.

10. Amity (noun): A supportive relationship between people or countries/ friendly relations. (बन्धुत्व/मित्रता)
Synonyms: Friendliness, Harmony, Concord, Cooperation, Amicableness.
Antonyms: Discord, Hostility, Ill Will, Dislike.
Example: The purpose of the treaty is to help the two countries develop amity so they can live in cooperation instead of in war.
Origin: From Latin amicus means ‘friend’.

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